Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Scott Walker

Scott Walker is the best gov. ever in wi. He will save us so much money because he is a Conservative. People like the teachers do not like him because they are getting their benefits cut, but we do not have the money to spend like the libelers want us to. I hope Scott Walker is our next president he will have the USA best country in the world. Go Scott Walker all the way to president.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Favorite Thing In Class

My favorite thing we did in class was the podcast. I liked the podcast, because I love what we said on our podcast. Like talking about how I dislike liberals and their views. I dislike all the write type. It is so boring and I'm glad that it went down so we do not have to do it any more.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Break

Over my spring break I played xbox. The game I played was Call Of Duty Black Ops. I also watched movies. The movies I watched was Bad Santa and the boondocks. I also took my hunter safty and passed that. Then I sleept for a long time.